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IJNKM 2004

Corbel, P. « HRM in a highly uncertain strategic situation: the case of the electronuclear industry » Colloque “Technology and HRM II”, Sophia-Antipolis, mai 2003, article publié dans International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management , vol.1, n°1/2, septembre 2004, p.151-164


The nuclear industry has some specific strategic features that result in a very high level of uncertainty. The demand for new reactors has been declining for more than twenty years, and gains in performance have slowed down during the same period. As a result, at first sight, this technology should be classified as declining in terms of demand and mature in terms of technological life cycle. This situation has important consequences on HRM inside this industry. Especially power plant constructors have had to reduce considerably their personnel numbers. But, this industry also expects a strong revival of demand, which means that it have to preserve its key competences. This paper deals with the management of this paradoxical situation.

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